% USER-MANAGEMENT(1) Version 3.0.2 | Scripts Documentation % Georg Voell - georg.voell@oracle.com % (c)2021 Oracle NAME ==== **user-management** - (BASH Script) Manages users within Linux. SYNOPSIS ======== | **user-management** \[_options_] \[_action_] _username_ \[_groupname_] DESCRIPTION =========== Manages users within Linux. Options ------- -h, \--help          : Displays helptext. -v, \--version          : Displays the version of the script. -a, \--all          : Display all users. -u, \--uid _number_          : User ID. -c, \--comment _string_         : Comment. -s, \--shell _string_          : Login Shell. -d, \--home _string_          : Home directory. -g, \--groups _string_          : Additional groups (comma separated) or empty string to remove groups. EXAMPLES ======== Action: : show : Show users. : check : Check if user exists and has the given attributes - otherwise create or change. : lock : Lock user. : unlock: Unlock user. : delete: Delete user. **user-management** check oracle dba -c "Oracle user" : Create user 'oracle' (if it doesn't exist) and assign group 'dba'. **user-management** delete oracle : Delete user 'oracle'. EXIT CODES ========== 01: Unknown or wrong parameter and only LINUX supported and script needs to be executed with ROOT privileges. 02: Unknown action. 03: No username specified. 99: User interrupt. SEE ALSO ======== **bootstrap**(1), **disk-management**(1), **key-management**(1), **install-scripts**(1)