% OCI-OBJECT(1) Version 3.0.0 | Scripts Documentation % Georg Voell - georg.voell@oracle.com % (c)2021 Oracle NAME ==== **oci-object** - (BASH Script) Do some jobs with oci objects SYNOPSIS ======== | **oci-object** \[_options_] \[_action_] \[_action-parameter_] DESCRIPTION =========== Do some jobs with oci objects Options ------- -h, --help : Displays helptext. -v, \--version          : Displays the version of the script. -m, \--monochrome          : Don't display colors or progress. -c, \--compartment-id _ocid_         : Compartment OCID. -r, \--region _regionstr_          : Region (e.g. eu-frankfurt-1). -t, \--type _typestr_          : Instance type (e.g. instance or "instance,dbsystem"). Action ------- analyze ------- Not yet implemented (Search for Compartments that are not accessible and for Instances that are not in .ssh/config. search         : Search for objects. Parameter: detail - Display also JSON definition. Action-Parameter: detail (list also JSON definition). TypeSTR (one type or list of types ins a comma separated string e.g.) ------- instance         : List only IaaS Instances. dbsystem         : List only DB Systems EXAMPLES ======== **oci-object** : List compartments and all objects in these compartments. **oci-object** search \--compartment-id ocid1.tenancy.oc1..xxxxxxxxx : List all objects in root compartment. EXIT CODES ========== 01: Unknown or wrong parameter. 02: Unknown action or action not allowed. 03: No **instance-id** specified with start or stop. 04: Instance was already running or stopped. *** 05: Instance was already opened / closed or VIP was already added / deleted. *** 06: Could not attach / detach public ip (or unexpected error) 96: Specified region not subscribed. *** 97: Tools not configured. *** 98: Unknown function call. *** 99: User interrupt. SEE ALSO ======== **install-scripts**(1)