% OCI-INSTANCE(1) Version 3.0.0 | Scripts Documentation % Georg Voell - georg.voell@oracle.com % (c)2021 Oracle NAME ==== **oci-instance** - (BASH Script) Do some jobs with instances (db-systems) SYNOPSIS ======== | **oci-instance** \[_options_] \[_action_] \[_action-parameter_] DESCRIPTION =========== Do some jobs with instances (db-systems) Options ------- -h, --help : Displays helptext. -v, \--version          : Displays the version of the script. -m, \--monochrome          : Don't display colors. -i, \--id _ocid_          : OCID. Action ------- list          : List all instances. status          : List only lifecycle-state of instance specified with instance-id. show          : Show one instance specified with instance-id. stop          : Stop instance specified with instance-id. start          : Start instance specified with instance-id. open          : Attach reserved public ip and allow access for ssh. close          : Detach reserved public ip and deny access for ssh. add          : Attach a Virtual IP (VIP) to instance. Extra parameter: IPV4 delete          : Detach a Virtual IP (VIP) from instance. Extra parameter: IPV4 fullbackup          : Make a full backup of all attached volumes (additional to regular backups). Extra parameter: Number between 0 and 99 backup          : Make a backup of all attached volumes. restore          : Restore previously backuped volumes. maintenance         : Manage backups. EXAMPLES ======== status : If this script exist, it displays additional status of services running on instance. virtualip : If this script exist, it adds or deletes ip with ifconfig on instance. restore : If this script exist, it mounts unmounted attached disks. **oci-instance** stop \--id ocid1.instance.oc1.xxxxxxxxx : Stop instance specifies with instance-id. EXIT CODES ========== 01: Unknown or wrong parameter. 02: Unknown action or action not allowed. 03: No **instance-id** specified with start or stop. 04: Instance was already running or stopped. *** 05: Instance was already opened / closed or VIP was already added / deleted. *** 06: Could not attach / detach public ip (or unexpected error) 10: Full restore error *** 95: Need additional parameter *** 96: Specified region not subscribed. *** 97: Tools not configured. *** 98: Unknown function call. *** 99: User interrupt. SEE ALSO ======== **install-scripts**(1)