% CHECK-VERSION(1) Version 3.1.1 | Scripts Documentation % Georg Voell - georg.voell@standby.cloud % (c)2023 Standby.cloud NAME ==== **check-version** - (BASH Script) Get the version of a script and tries to get the version for some tools. SYNOPSIS ======== | **check-version** \[_options_] _tool_ DESCRIPTION =========== Get the version of a script and tries to get the version for some tools. Result is toolname with path, version, compare string (each tab separated). If tool is not installed, it returns "tool not found". Options ------- -h, \--help          : Displays helptext. -v, \--version          : Displays the version of the script. -m, \--min _string_         : Minimum version that the tool has to have at least. -x, \--max _string_         : Maximum version that the tool can have. Tool ------- List of tools is limited e.g.: jq          : Displays the version of installed jq. java          : Displays the version of installed java. python         : Displays the version of installed python. EXAMPLES ======== **check-version** java : Displays version of installed java e.g. "/usr/bin/java found". **check-version** jq \--min 1.5 : Displays version of installed jq and if it is >= 1.5 e.g. "/usr/local/bin/jq 1.6 ok". EXIT CODES ========== 01: Unknown or wrong parameter. SEE ALSO ======== **check-tools**(1), **compare-version**(1), **install-scripts**(1)