% CHECK-SUDO(1) Version 3.0.2 | Scripts Documentation % Georg Voell - georg.voell@oracle.com % (c)2020 Oracle NAME ==== **check-sudo** - (BASH Script) Check if sudo is available and user is allowed to invoke it. SYNOPSIS ======== | **check-sudo** \[_options_] \[_key_] DESCRIPTION =========== Check if sudo is available and user is allowed to invoke it. If password is needed, ask for it before doing 'sudo' and check if it is valid. Returns exitcode 0 if user can do sudo - otherwise exitcode will be > 0. Options ------- -h, \--help          : Displays helptext. -v, \--version          : Displays the version of the script. -c, \--cloud _string_         : Cloud: _string_ can be e.g. "ORACLE-OPC" or "ORACLE-OCI". EXIT CODES ========== 01: **sudo** was not successful. 02: **sudo** not found. Not in PATH or not installed. 03: **sudo** does not work in cloud shell. 99: User interrupt. SEE ALSO ======== **install-scripts**(1)