service description accs Oracle Application Container Cloud Service ADBC Oracle Autonomous Database Cloud ADWC Oracle Autonomous Data Warehouse Cloud ADWCP Oracle Autonomous Data Warehouse Cloud Platform AIACS Oracle Adaptive Intelligent Cloud Service AIACS AIPOD Oracle Adaptive Intelligent Cloud Service POD ANALYTICS Oracle Analytics Cloud Classic ANALYTICSSUB Oracle Analytics Cloud Subscription ANDC Oracle Autonomous NoSQL Database Cloud Service ANDCP Oracle Autonomous NoSQL Database Cloud Pod APICatalog Oracle API Catalog Service APICS Oracle API Platform Cloud Service - Classic APICSAUTO Oracle API Platform Cloud Service APICSAUTOPOD Oracle API Platform Cloud Service Pod AUTOANALYTICS Oracle Analytics Cloud AUTOANALYTICSINST Oracle Analytics Cloud AUTOANALYTICSPOD Oracle Autoanalytics Pod AUTOBLOCKCHAIN Oracle Autonomous Blockchain Cloud Service BCSMGR Oracle BCS Manager BCSMGRPOD Oracle BCS Manager Pod BDCSCE Oracle Big Data Cloud BigDataAppliance Oracle Big Data Cloud Service BOTMXP Oracle Autonomous Mobile Cloud Bots Service Platform BotSaaSAuto Oracle Digital Assistant BOTSCFG Oracle Bots Configuration Service BOTSCON Oracle Bots Connector Service BOTSINT Oracle Bots Intent Service BOTSMGM Oracle Bots Management API Service BOTSPIP Oracle Bots Pipeline Service BOTSXP Oracle Autonomous Digital Assistance Platform caching Oracle Application Cache CEC Oracle Content and Experience Cloud Pod Classic CECAUTO Oracle Content and Experience Cloud Pod CECS Oracle Content and Experience Cloud Classic CECSAUTO Oracle Content and Experience Cloud CONTAINER Oracle Container Cloud Service containerPod Oracle Container Cluster Service CXAANA Oracle CxA Analytics Service CXACFG Oracle CxA Configuration Service CXACOL Oracle CxA Collector Service CXAPOD Oracle CxA Pod Cloud Service dbcs Oracle Database Cloud Service DEMO Oracle Fusion Applications DevServiceApp Oracle Visual Builder Studio Classic DevServiceAppAUTO Oracle Visual Builder Studio DevServiceAppConsulting Oracle Visual Builder Studio DevServicePod Oracle Developer Cloud Service POD DevServicePodAUTO Oracle Developer Cloud Service POD DevServicePodConsulting Oracle Developer Cloud Service POD DHCS Oracle Data Hub Cloud Service dics Oracle Data Integration Platform Cloud Service Classic DIPCAUTO Oracle Autonomous Data Integration Platform Cloud DIPCINST Oracle Data Integration Platform Cloud DIPCPOD Oracle Data Integration Platform Cloud ERP Oracle Fusion Applications ggcs Oracle GoldenGate Cloud Service INTEGRATIONCAUTO Oracle Integration IntegrationCloud Oracle Integration Classic IOTAssetMon Oracle IoT Asset Monitoring Cloud Service IOTConnectedWrker Oracle IoT Connected Worker Cloud Service IOTEnterpriseApps Oracle Internet of Things Cloud - Enterprise IOTFleetMon Oracle IoT Fleet Monitoring Cloud Service IOTJLS Oracle Internet of Things Cloud - Web IOTProdMonitoring Oracle IoT Production Monitoring Cloud Service IOTSvcAsset Oracle IoT Asset Monitoring CX Cloud Service jcs Oracle Java Cloud Service MobileCCC Oracle Mobile Custom Code Container MobileCccOm Oracle Mobile Custom Code Container Oracle-managed MobileCorePOD Oracle Mobile Core POD MobileCorePodOm Oracle Mobile Core POD Oracle-managed MobileServiceAuto Oracle Autonomous Mobile Cloud Enterprise MobileStandard Oracle Mobile Hub MobileStdCcc Oracle Mobile Custom Code Container Oracle-managed MobileStdCore Oracle Mobile Core POD Oracle-managed MySQLCS Oracle MySQL Cloud Service OABCSINST Oracle Blockchain Platform OABCSPOD Oracle Blockchain Cloud Service OAICS Oracle Adaptive Intelligence Applications Offers Cloud Service OEHCS Oracle Event Hub Cloud Service OEHPCS Oracle Event Hub Cloud Service - Dedicated OICINST Oracle Integration OICPOD Oracle Integration OICSUBINST Oracle Integration for Oracle SaaS OMCE Oracle Mobile Cloud Metering Service OMCEXTERNAL Oracle Management Cloud Service OMCP Oracle Management Cloud Platform Service RATSControlPlane Oracle RATS Service SEARCH Oracle Search Cloud Service SEARCHCLOUDAPP Oracle Search Cloud Service App SOA Oracle SOA Cloud Service SSI Oracle Self-Service Integration Cloud Service SSIP Oracle Self-Service Integration Platform stack Oracle Cloud Stack Manager VBINST Oracle Visual Builder VBPOD Oracle Visual Builder VisualBuilder Oracle Visual Builder Classic VISUALBUILDERAUTO Oracle Visual Builder wtss Oracle Web Tier Security Service