#!/bin/bash # # Author: Georg Voell - georg.voell@standby.cloud # Version: @(#)get-authkeys 3.2.0 11.09.2024 (c)2024 Standby.cloud # Licensed under the Universal Permissive License v 1.0 as shown at https://oss.oracle.com/licenses/upl/ # # This script can be used free of charge. Use it as is or customize as needed. It is not guaranteed to be # error free and you will not be reimbursed for any damage it may cause. # #@ Get public keys from users authorized_keys file and instance metadata and display them. #@ To define authorized keys for every login user, create an entry starting with #@ "ssh-rsa" in "$roothome/.ssh/instance_authorized_keys" file. #@ This script is beeing called by AuthorizedKeysCommand from sshd_config. # # Update history: # # V 3.0.0 09.07.2020 New version # V 3.0.1 16.01.2021 Don't get original keys from instance metadata (because they can't be changed) # V 3.0.2 11.09.2021 By default - don't check keys in Instance Metadata # V 3.0.3 04.06.2023 Changed description # V 3.1.0 05.06.2023 New copyright # V 3.2.0 11.09.2024 New minor version # # Exit codes: # 01: No root privileges. # 99: User interrupt. # Set this to true if you want to get the keys in instance metadata checkmetadata=false # Find executable bash library and source it lib=`which lib.bash 2>/dev/null | sed 's|^no 'lib.bash' in .*||'` if [ "$lib" != "" ]; then source "$lib" else progdir=`dirname "$0"` if [ -r "${progdir}/lib.bash" ]; then source "${progdir}/lib.bash" else echo "Unexpected error: Unable to locate bash library 'lib.bash'." exit 1 fi fi # Login user user=${1} if [ "$user" = "" ]; then user="$USER" fi # Cloud infos ocimetadata_v2="" ocimetadata_v1="" opcmetadata="" infofolder="/usr/local/share/info" cloudfile="${infofolder}/cloud.json" # Auth files userhome="$(eval echo ~${user})" authfile="${userhome}/.ssh/authorized_keys" roothome="$(eval echo ~root)" rootauthfile="${roothome}/.ssh/authorized_keys" instanceauthfile="${roothome}/.ssh/instance_authorized_keys" # Check if scratchfile contains any json function CheckResult() { local result="" result=`filecheck -sl "$scratchfile"` if [ "$result" != "" ]; then head1=`head -n 1 "$scratchfile"` if [ "$head1" != "{" ]; then result="" fi fi echo $result } # Main if [ "$USER" != "root" ]; then errormsg 1 "This script needs root privileges to work." exit 1 fi if [ "$checkmetadata" = true ]; then # Create infofolder, if it does not exists if [ ! -d "$infofolder" ]; then mkdir -m 0755 -p "$infofolder" fi # Get infos about the cloud (if we don't have already an info file) if [ ! -f "$cloudfile" ]; then get-cloud --output json > $cloudfile chmod 644 $cloudfile fi # Check if cloudfile with cloud_id exists if [ -r "$cloudfile" ]; then cloud_id=`cat "$cloudfile" | browse-json cloud_id --select 1 --quiet --raw` else cloud_id="" fi fi if [ "$user" = "root" ]; then if [ -r "$rootauthfile" ]; then cat "$rootauthfile" fi else # Cat authorized_keys for user if [ -r "$authfile" ]; then grep '^ssh-rsa ' "$authfile" # Only grep valid keys beginning with "ssh-rsa" fi # Cat authorized_keys for instance (from $roothome/.ssh/instance_authorized_keys) if [ -r "$instanceauthfile" ]; then grep '^ssh-rsa ' "$instanceauthfile" # Only grep valid keys beginning with "ssh-rsa" fi fi if [ "$checkmetadata" = true ]; then exit 0 fi # Check if he have curl and jq in path curl=`filecheck -x curl` if [ "$curl" != "" ]; then # Check if we get metadata from oci if [ "$cloud_id" = "ORACLE-OCI" ]; then ## $curl -L --connect-timeout 5 --silent -H "Authorization: Bearer Oracle" "$ocimetadata_v2" | norm-json > $scratchfile 2>&1 sh -c "transfer --auth '$ocimetadata_v2' --export '$scratchfile'" stat=$? result=`CheckResult` if [ $stat -gt 0 -o "$result" = "" ]; then ## $curl -L --connect-timeout 5 --silent "$ocimetadata_v1" | norm-json > $scratchfile 2>&1 sh -c "transfer '$ocimetadata_v1' --export '$scratchfile'" stat=$? result=`CheckResult` fi if [ $stat -eq 0 -a "$result" != "" ]; then # # Original keys that were distributed when instace was created # result=`grep '"ssh_authorized_keys"' "$scratchfile"` # if [ "$result" != "" ]; then # cat "$scratchfile" | browse-json "ssh_authorized_keys" --quiet --raw --select 1 --output keys | sed 's|^.*:||g' | sed 's|\\n|\n|g' # fi # Additional keys from metadata result=`grep '"authorized_keys"' "$scratchfile"` if [ "$result" != "" ]; then cat "$scratchfile" | browse-json "authorized_keys" --quiet --raw --select 1 --output keys | sed 's|^.*:||g' fi fi fi # Check if we get metadata from opc (oci-classic) if [ "$cloud_id" = "ORACLE-OPC" ]; then # curl --silent -L "" > "$scratchfile" ## $curl -L --connect-timeout 5 --silent "$opcmetadata" | norm-json > $scratchfile 2>&1 sh -c "transfer '$opcmetadata' --export '$scratchfile'" stat=$? result=`CheckResult` if [ $stat -eq 0 -a "$result" != "" ]; then cat "$scratchfile" fi fi fi # Cleanup filecheck -rm "$scratchfile"